ERHG Position Descriptions

Revised August 2022


Past President

  • Provides advice and guidance to the executive if needed
  • Is ready to step in if president or vice president are unavailable
  • Attends executive meetings


  • Chairs monthly guild meetings
  • Prepares agenda for each month, provides one copy to front desk and one to secretary
  • Calls executive meetings and acts as the chairperson for these meetings
  • Oversees the operations and activities of the guild
  • Acts as liaison with the hall manager
  • Delegates duties, projects, etc. to other members
  • Deals with guild matters and issues as they arise


  • Supports and learns from the president
  • Chairs guild meetings when the president is absent
  • Keeps the policies and decisions document up to date
  • Keeps position descriptions document updated annually [March]
  • Becomes the guild president when that position becomes available/vacant
  • Ensures annual documentation [meeting minutes and treasurer reports/attendance documentation] is filed appropriately in library


  • Takes minutes of any guild and executive meetings and distributes guild minutes to members 
  • Submits copies of minutes to president and vice-president at least one week prior to meetings
  • Communicates on behalf of guild to any parties as required


  • Keeps an up-to-date accounting of all financial matters and presents a written copy of financial statements to be communicated one week prior to the guild meetings. 
  • Oversees all guild bank and other financial accounts at Servus Credit Union, Southgate Branch, #6, 5015 111 Street NW
  • Receives and processes deposits from members
  • Pays debts incurred by the guild, including store expenditures, library purchases, annual rent and insurance
  • Maintains finance records for auditing in September for the prior year
  • Submits copy of treasurer’s report to president and vice president five days prior to monthly meetings


Evening Get Togethers

  • set room up with tables and chairs, sanitize used areas as needed and reverse this procedure at evenings end.
  • Bring: cutter with all wheels; worm bin with strip sizer; the try rug hooking bag containing hoop with linen and rug warp backings; the micro-store box containing a selection of hooks, hoops and beginner projects; 1 yard of primitive linen for beginners who want to design their first project
  • Sign in sheet, pen, receipt book, own project to work on (one that’s easy to do while chatting during meeting and to use for demonstration of hooking technique)  
  • Optional: bring dyeing equipment etc. if dyeing demo is planned. 
  • Time commitment is approximately two hours every two weeks, plus driving time


  • Posts and updates news and events on guild Facebook page

Focus on Fibre Art Association [FFAA] Representative

  • Attends meetings each month or as they occur
  • Brings relevant information to guild
  • Forwards FFAA newsletter to website editor to be posted 


  • Posts and updates news and events on Guild Instagram account


  • Opens kitchen during meeting by preparing coffee, tea and light snacks
  • Purchases any groceries required, submitting receipts to treasurer for reimbursement as needed.
  • Cleans up at the end of meetings, ensuring all equipment is placed in storage drawers.
  • Completes an inventory of all supplies and equipment.  This inventory is to be submitted to the treasurer each June for auditing purposes.

Learning & Development

  • Coordinates and acts as lead for guild members’ learning and development
  • Organizes monthly afternoon learning demonstrations and classes
  • Organizes yearly/bi-yearly multi-day classes, ensuring Instructor’s Contract is completed and submitted to treasurer
  • Collects fees, issues receipts and forwards proceeds to guild treasurer
  • Attends executive meetings as needed to establish policies and fee structures
  • Orders new books for the library


  • Oversees the operation of guild library
  • Enters all books/publications in guild library listing, stamping and carding new acquisitions
  • Coordinates and keeps track of books borrowed by members.
  • Maintains a filing system for deposit cheques for any member borrowing materials  
  • Keeps an inventory of all resources in the library.  This inventory is to be submitted to the treasurer each June for auditing purposes.
  • Ensures subscriptions for magazines are renewed.
  • Loans out the guild cutter during meetings, ensuring all cartridges are returned and cleaned.

Membership and Welcome Table

  • Acts as hostess for the guild, welcoming guests and members alike.  Enquiries are answered and/or referred to other members.  This position is situated at the front entrance to the hall.
  • Collects annual memberships and distribute cards
  • Posts ‘Membership and Benefits’ document at the registration table.
  • Registers new members and provides them with the welcome brochure
  • Ensures members and guests sign in when arriving as per fire regulations
  • Provides reusable badges to members who do not have a name badge. Membership cards are inserted into the sleeves and the badges returned to the registration table when the person leaves.
  • Maintains a current membership list as changes occur.  Updated lists are forwarded to the president, website coordinators, and store manager.  
  • Sends a welcoming email to new members which includes:
    • Welcome
    • Copy of member’s data/information in the membership list for confirmation of accuracy.
    • Link to ERHG website and the member section.  Encourages member to explore the site.


  • Coordinates and acts as lead for external events where the guild is able to demonstrate and market our group
  • Coordinates and acts as primary contact and lead in marketing our guild in publications such as magazines and newspapers 
  • Attends executive meetings as needed to establish policies as well as target groups and events

Spring Tea

  • [more specific information regarding duties is outlined in the Spring Tea Handbook]
  • Ensures a small poster is created advertising the date, time, location and cost of admission to the tea.  Brings copies of the poster to the guild meeting in April. Members will take copies to various outlets for advertising.  The poster will be emailed to members for them to send on.
  • Determines the menu for the tea:  goodies, sandwiches, beverages, etc.
  • Post volunteer sheets for positions to be filled the day of the tea during the March and April meetings.  Volunteer sheets from previous years are on file for use.
  • Ensures any shopping required for the event is done.
  • Coordinates activities on the day of the event.
  • Presents a short report on the event, including finances, at the June meeting
  • Update Spring Tea Handbook following each year to keep records current


Duties and Requirements

Oversees the operation of the store by placing orders, keeping records and operating the store during guild meetings, or at times requested by the guild executive.  


  • running the store on the day of the meetings
  • placing orders, purchasing and maintaining financial records
  • ensuring products are set up and put away 
  • Keeps an inventory of the store’s stock and submits this to the treasurer in June of each year
  • Establishes selling price as 10% over total costs
  • Submits original invoices and receipts to treasurer for reimbursement or payment
  • Submits revenue to treasurer for deposit at the end of each meeting
  • Answers questions about products for sale, writes up sales receipts, makes change, checks memberships
  • Picks up parcels from the post office and delivers to hall
  • Places orders using a credit card and Internet connection  
  • Maintains information regarding vendors, together with past invoices.  
  • Keeps track of what is selling well, what members would like to see stocked, and new products 
  • Displays merchandise
  • Establish a working relationship with designated suppliers to ensure sufficient inventory is maintained.

Store Time Requirements

3 to 4 hours at every meeting

arrive at 9:00 a.m. to unpack and set up products by 9:30 a.m.  Store closes no later than 12:30 p.m.

2 to 3 hours, 3 times a year

create orders, phones them in, accept and pay for parcels, storing them in a clean, dry place.

2 to 3 hours

conduct an annual inventory to be submitted to treasurer by June

Items Stocked





dye kits


red dot

dye spoons

cutters and  wheels



braiding supplies

hooking kits created by members

Promotional items [pens, bags, etc.]

novelty items:  stickers, pins


  • Sends cards to guild members who are ill, suffer the loss of a loved one, or whom the guild wishes to recognize
  • Submits bills for costs associated with these duties to treasurer for reimbursement


  • Establishes and maintains Guild website