Policies & Decisions


Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild

Policies and Decisions

partially updated January 2024


Advertising and Outreach

Executive and Coordinators

Financial Health of the Guild

Garage Sales


Learning and Development



Membership and Welcome

Miscellaneous (Items not yet allocated a section in this document)

Organization, Name, Status and Policies

Record Keeping

Relationships with Outside Organizations

Remembrance of Members

Safety and Security

Space Rental

Spring Tea


Treasurer / Finance

WebSite, Facebook, Instagram



February 2020


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  The guild will take advantage of the opportunity to have two meetings each month for the remainder of the year.

February 2020

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  Anyone wishing to participate in this challenge will hook a 1980’s-themed piece, not exceeding 12” x 18” in size and incorporating the colours jade, emerald and coral and to be finished by the September 2020 meeting.  This encompasses member-hooked pieces only.  It was then requested that each item contain a hanging sleeve for display convenience.

June 2019

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  The guild will pay the Thursday evening Windsor Park Project monthly fee of $25 for the 2019-20 year.  The group will be meeting once a month.

February 2019

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. In the spirit of sisterhood and in light of the past invitations received, members of the Rocky Mountain House Rug Hooking Guild are invited to attend our meetings and have store privileges when they attend without requiring guild membership. They are also invited to our workshops when room is available. 

January 2019

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  No member(s) shall undertake a project involving the Guild without prior approval of the Guild Executive. Matters will be brought to the Guild to discuss.

January 2019

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. The ERGH will pay the required rental fees to the Windsor Park Community League to sponsor two sessions per month until June 2019

October 2018

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. To create a “beginners ‘kit” for non-members attending the off-site outreach hook-ins, at a reasonable cost.

February 2018

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  New contact information on bookmarks used for marketing and outreach will be our email address.  We will no longer order postcards.

October 2017

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed to keep the collection of Sole Sisters in the guild library.  This collection will be used for display purposed as needed.  More pieces will be added in the new year.  This collection will be kept for one year.

November 2016

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed to purchase a banner for meetings, guild events and outreach events.  This banner will be housed in the library.

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  shopping bags and pens are being purchased and are to be used/distributed at appropriate outreach events.

October 2016

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed for guild members to take on a group project for Canada’s 150th birthday.  Pattern donated by Deborah Merriam.

November 2014

Guild Meeting:  Announced that the executive decided to prepare a brochure/post card for distribution by members at appropriate venues advertising classes, workshops, and other information about the guild.

October 2011

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed to develop a colour brochure to advertise our craft.



February 2018


Executive Meeting Decision: Any changes to positions will be passed through the president first.

January 2018

Executive Meeting Decision: We should have two members for each position for coordinators.

August 2017

Executive Meeting Decision: Members elected to guild executive positions have been guild members for at least 2 years.

March 2017

Executive Meeting Decision:  Coordinator positions were confirmed as follows:  Facebook, FFAA representative, kitchen, learning and development, library, membership was combined with welcome; newsletter coordinator [under this is ace reporter and Dear Annie]; outreach and marketing, spring tea coordinator [under this is publicity and silent auction]; store coordinator [under this is purchaser, cutter, cutter maintenance]; sunshine, and website.

August 2016

Executive Meeting Decision:  Executive positions are past president, president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.

August 2015

Executive Meeting Decision:  That position descriptions be written up for all positions;

Executive and co-ordinators are to be reviewed annually.




January 2024


Intent:  The intent of the policy is to promote fiscal management and ensure long-term viability for the Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild.

  1. The Guild will strive to maintain a Healthy Bank Balance  to cover:
    1. Annual rental costs for the monthly meetings; 
    2. Liability and inventory insurance; 
    3. Funds to cover insurance deductibles, should they be required; 
    4. Funds for annual learning and development, and emergencies.


  1. For all purchases over One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), a “Request for Approval to Purchase” form must be filled out and submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.   The Request for Approval to Purchase must receive written approval from the Executive Committee before and purchase can occur.

The Request for Approval to Purchase must contain the following information:

    1. Detailed and itemized description of purchase, and associated cost(s).
    2. GST on purchase
    3. Expected shipping costs
    4. Approximate cost of Duty Charges (if purchased from outside of Canada).
    5. Estimated exchange rate (if purchased outside of Canada).


  1. The Executive Committee must assess  the Purchase Request in a timely manner.
    1. Assess the Amount of the Purchase.  It will be reviewed against the current Bank Balance, and whether the Minimum Bank Balance will be maintained.  
    2. If the Minimum Bank Balance cannot be maintained, assess the both the severity of impact on bank balance as well as the length of time it would take to recoup the costs of the purchase and restore the minimum bank balance.
    3. Assess the Amount of the Purchase against the Current Inventory Value.  Ensure that any additions to the Inventory from this purchase will be within the limits of Insurance Inventory Coverage of $36,000. 
    4. Approve, partially approve, postpone or deny the Purchase.


  1. In February of each year, upon completion of the Annual Inventory (in January), the Executive Committee will review, revise (if required), and establish 
    1. the Minimum Bank balance required for the next 12 months 
    2. the allocation of Inventory Coverage  between  Store, Library, and Miscellaneous.
  2. The Minimum Bank Balance can be revised at any time during the year, should a significant event occur (e.g. substantial increase in rent, or decrease in membership).

February 2024 - January 2025

The Executive Committee has determined, for the time period Febrary 2024 to January 2025:

Minimum Bank Balance is $5,000.00  

Annual rental of Hall = $1800.00
Insurance  = $1000.00
Insurance Deductible = $1,500.00
Instructors, emergencies = $700.00

Inventory targets shall not exceed:

Library : $12,000; 
Store : $21,000;

Miscellaneous (includes the cutter) : $3,000.00



August 2019

Executive Meeting Decision:  Our insurance coverage remains at $26,000.00 and that store inventory not exceed $20,000.00.

June 2019

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  The guild will pay the Thursday evening Windsor Park Project monthly fee of $25 for the 2019-20 year.  The group will be meeting once a month.

March 2019

Guild Meeting: Motion passed. That the proceeds from the Silent Auction be given to the Learning and Development committee.

August 2018

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  All ERHG funds/monies collected for deposit are only to leave the hall in the possession of the treasurer (or president if treasurer is unavailable).

August 2018

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Deposit slips are to be used for all Guild deposits. 

February 2018

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Proceeds from the 2018 tea will go to Learning and Development.

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Confirmation given from treasurer:  Payment is made to FFAA for $100 for yearly membership [organization with 50 to 100 members] and for an award for Best of Category in FFAA show when invoiced.  

February 2017

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed to hold a silent auction, with proceeds to be used for book acquisition for library.

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  two members will be asked to volunteer to audit the previous years’ books.  This task should be done in September and completed by the October guild meeting.

August 2016

Executive Meeting: Motion passed.  Cheques over $2,000 need two signatures.

August 2015

Executive Meeting:  Teachers coming from outside out area and who are flying in must have flight cancellation insurance.  This way we would not be responsible for the total cost of the flight should something happen.

October 2012

Rent for the hall is $175 per month.


March 2018


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  Selling Hooking-Related Items for members. 

Store 10% goes to guild as fundraiser.  There is limited space so store coordinator(s) must decide what can be put up for sale and kept in storage.

Special Event Sales   In the case of members or former members who are incapacitated or deceased, the guild can be asked if it will assist in doing the work of collecting, pricing, organizing, transporting to the hall and selling items at a regular guild garage sale or at a special event sale. It is preferable that items are sold at the regular garage sales.

The guild executive will consider and approve the request when the following criteria are met:

  • there is a main coordinator and at least one other member willing to organize the effort
  • the coordinator is confident that she can call on and get adequate member support when/where needed
  • 15% will be taken from monies received for the Guild as a fundraiser
  • arrangements have been made for disposing of any items that are not sold
  • those members doing the work of organizing this special event sale will have first opportunity to buy items as they will be working at the sale; and
  • there is agreement that big ticket items (i.e. cutters and frames) will be handled in a manner decided by the executive.

We do not sell items for those who have never been a guild member.

March 2018

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  A fall and spring garage sale will be held for members to sell their used goods.  These sales will take place in October and March. Members and former members (for variety of reasons) may ask someone other than themselves to do the work of bringing, pricing, organizing and selling their items. This arrangement is private.

April 2014

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. That the garage sale be moved to October.


September 2015

Guild Meeting:  Announced that executive had decided that coffee should go back to $1 (including snacks).



April 2019


Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Those hosting out of town instructors will receive the updated amount of  150.00/day to cover sleeping accommodations, transportation, and miscellaneous costs.

February 2019

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  No Member shall undertake a project involving the Guild without the prior approval of the Guild Executive. Matters will be brought to the Guild to discuss.

October 2018

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  To extend the purchase of “beginners’ kits” to guests at our monthly meetings.

October 2018

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  That the ERHG front the money to make up several of the above “beginners’ kits.”

August 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Costs associated with an outside instructor (other than the location) to be covered by student fees and other grants (i.e. FFAA).

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed. To have the guild cover venue costs for outside instructors.

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed. Regarding policy to fund teacher certification programs.

  1. Students are responsible to apply for funding to the executive before attending school.
  2. Any funding agreed upon will be paid after the student completes the portion of the program and provides appropriate receipts.
  3. The guild may offer to pay the three year tuition fees for a member attending classes leading to certification in rug hooking to a yearly maximum of $1,000.
  4. In return for money spent for tuition fees, the student will provide instruction [10 hours for each year they are funded] to guild members at a mutually agreed upon format and time within two years of certification.
  5. A student must be recommended by a qualified teacher to attend rug hooking school.

November 2016

Executive Meeting:  Payment Schedule: for guild members who provide a demonstration will be $50; for guild members who provide class instruction will be paid $100 per day.  Students will pay $5 [payable to guild].  Kit costs will be paid directly to the instructor.

August 2016

Our guild will work with Rocky Mountain House to share instructors every second year.

August 2015

Executive Meeting:  Teachers coming from outside our area and who are flying in must have flight cancellation insurance.  This way we would not be responsible for the total cost of the flight should something happen.

March 2006

Announced for future workshops:

  1. A 25% non-refundable deposit will be required to register for a class – only refundable if the guild cancels class.
  2. Any person attending a workshop must be a guild member.

March 2006

Stated that prior to an instructor’s commitment, we will need a letter of confirmation of costs from them, i.e. their fees, other expenses, etc.  Any extra costs beyond the teaching fee needs to be discussed and approved by the executive.



August 2019


Executive Meeting Decision:  Cec Caswell is allocated $400.00 for purchase of books, magazines, DVD’s or any other publications, at her discretion, for our library for 2019-2020.

September 2017

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. That loaned books be returned before any more books taken out

September 2017

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. That there is a limit of one month for new books and publications to be signed out.  New publications are defined as such for one year/guild season.

August 2017

Executive Meeting:  Confirmation stated that here is an annual library budget of $400. This $400 includes everything purchased for the library.  Rug Hooking Magazine book club, ATHA and Rug Hooking magazine subscriptions need to be included in this budget.

June 2017

Guild Meeting: Store and Library hours during guild meetings to be opening at 10:00 and closing at 12:00.

April 2017

Guild Meeting:  Executive and librarian would decide (for books lost with a replacement value over $100) if members who lost the book would be charged an additional fee and what that fee would be.

April 2017

Guild Meeting:  Books would be allowed to be borrowed in June over the summer to be returned in September.

April 2017

Guild Meeting:  A reminder call to return books would be given at the 2 month mark.

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed. All items owned by the guild that do not fall into the store or kitchen inventory, be included in the library inventory.

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed to raise the deposit cheque for book loans to $100.  Maximum lending time is three months, thus allowing other members access to books.

November 2016

Executive Meeting:  The current treasurer, will subscribe to ATHA magazine on behalf of the guild library.



September 2017


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed. That timelines for guild meetings be established as follows:

9:00                    doors open, volunteers set up store and tables
9:30 – 10:30        shopping, chatting, library etc.
10:30 – 11:30        meeting
11:30 – 12:30        shopping, library, lunch
12:30 –   3:30        demonstrations- mini-workshops, special ctivities (ie. Garage sale, give aways, craft sale etc.), visiting etc.


Executive Meeting:  Confirmed that general meetings will begin at 10:30 a.m.  Copies of minutes from prior month’s meeting and treasurer’s report will be placed on tables for members to read/review.

January 2005

One table will have the cutters available for members to use during guild.  Help in cutting will be available.  Cutters are not permitted to leave the hall.

January 2005

There is an annual tea and display of rugs held the first Thursday in May.  On that day the guild is open to the public.  The store is not open on that day, nor is there a general meeting.

March 2004

Argyll Hookers have been meeting every Wednesday since 1974.  Pleasantview Rug Hookers have been meeting every Thursday since 1967.



August 2019


FFAA has advised the guild that membership in their organization no longer requires the three month waiting period. 

April 2019

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed. Membership fees continue at 50.00/year for first time NEW members only (not returning or former) will pay $5.00/meeting if they begin attending between February and June.

March 2019

Guild Meeting: Motion passed. The proceeds from the Silent Auction be given to the Learning and Development  Committee. 

October 2018

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  Students to Grade 12 be charged $15.00 membership fees and post-secondary students $25.00.

August 2017

  • Executive Meeting:Recommendation accepted.
  • A copy of Membership and Benefits at welcome table clearly stating membership policy and benefits
  • Memberships are to be paid by October guild meeting in order to receive member benefits: Newsletter,store,library, access to members only section on the website, workshops
  • Regularly updated membership lists be sent to president and newsletter coordinator.
  • Membership numbers be written on all store receipts and library cheque deposits.
  • Coordinators monitor members receiving/requesting benefits and, if they feel uncomfortable dealing with any situation, they discuss this with the president
  • Exceptions to membership benefits can be requested of the guild president.


August 2017

  • Executive Meeting:Recommendation accepted.Membership benefits include:
  • Attendance and voting privileges at September to June monthly guild meetings
  • buy from guild store (must show membership card)
  • receive monthly newsletter
  • attend guild workshops (must show membership card)
  • borrow material from guild library (must show membership card)
  • access to website members-only section
  • automatic membership to Focus on Fibre Arts and eligibility to attend FFAA workshops (3 months after becoming a member).

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  A brochure will be compiled to provide new guild members with an oversight of events and policies.

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  A “Help” sign will be placed on different tables each month for new members.  At the meeting the president will announce that new members are free to join that table or ask that table for assistance with any matter.

November 2014

Imogene Monks suggested that new members should be asked if they would like or require a ‘mentor’ to help them integrate more readily to our rug hooking activities.

November 2014

Motion passed that visitors should be welcomed and no fee charged.  Members only, however, will be allowed to use the store.

September 2012

Motion passed to increase membership fee to $50 per year.

June 2005

At May Tea honorary memberships were presented to the following people in recognition of their long service to the guild:  Sylvia Enfeld, Ethel Goodwin, Ethel Kramer, Aileen McHugh, Imogene Monks, Jean Nemirsky, Lucille Odson, Francis Ritchie, Ruth Small, Fran Steick.  These members will be exempt from paying membership fees.


MISCELLANEOUS (Items not yet allocated a section in this document)


February 2018


Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Volunteers will receive a thank you card as well as a $5 store gift card

January 2018

Guild Meeting:  A vote was taken regarding the mug rug/ornament exchange held during the December meeting.  It was agreed by the members that the items submitted should be handmade, preferably hooked.



August 2022


Executive Decision:  Information previously included in the newsletter will be posted on the new website.

August 2019

Executive Decision:  The newsletter editor will be responsible for distribution of the newsletter.  The president or designate will be responsible for distribution of all other communications, including guild meeting minutes, treasurer’s reports, membership lists, and any other pertinent information.

August 2019

Executive Meeting Decision: FFAA and PHRHS will communicate to all members through our monthly newsletters and /or emails to all members through the president.

August 2019

Executive Meeting Decision:  Newsletter Section of Dear Annie will be replaced by Tip of the Month. Learning and Development team will create these posts.

August 2019

Executive Meeting Decision:  The newsletter editor will be responsible for distribution of the newsletter.  The president or designate will be responsible for distribution of all other communications, including guild meeting minutes, treasurer’s reports, membership lists and any other pertinent information.

April 2019

Executive Meeting: Motion passed. To put labels on show and tell pieces to make it easier for photographers to identify pieces for the newsletter.

April 2019

Executive Meeting: Motion passed.  That the newsletter be sent out within 12 days of the guild meeting. Minutes will be sent out one week prior to the next guild meeting.

August 2018

Executive Meeting: Motion passed. Part of the newsletter editor’s role is to distribute the newsletter, guild monthly meeting minutes and membership lists.  Any other item(s) for e-mail distribution to members requires prior approval of the guild president (or vice-president if president is unavailable), who will distribute on an as-needed basis.

August 2018

Executive Meeting: Motion passed. The president will request the newsletter editor utilize links to streamline information dispersed in the Newsletter. 

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  The newsletter should be received by members no later than 12 days following a monthly meeting.

November 2013

Reported that only members will receive the newsletter.



August 2017 


Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  Monthly guild meeting minutes, membership attendance sheet and treasurer reports will be signed off and compiled by the president. These documents will be archived in the library annually.



August 2019


Executive Meeting Decision: FFAA and PHRHS will communicate to all members through our monthly newsletters and /or emails to all members through the president.

August 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  The guild executive recommends, that in order to enhance our relationship with FFAA it would be helpful if:

  • one person from the guild (learning and development coordinator) and one person from FFAA were designated as key communicators around instructors.
  • an annual date was established to submit a list of instructor suggestions to FFAA.
  • workshops were to be held in spring or fall.
  • clarity was given in terms of instructor eligibility criteria . The FFAA president subsequently indicated that the only eliminating factor was if a person was a FFAA member.
  • clarity be given regarding FFAA’s decision making process on instructor selection
  • there was clarity (provided by FFAA President) that FFAA is responsible for contacting and



March 2018


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.   In remembrance of former members, a tribute showcase of their work could be placed at the Spring Tea.  The coordinators of the tea would discuss with the family first and offer to set up the display at the tea.  Family members would be our guests.



November 2016


Guild Meeting:  Mission statement adopted:  The Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild provides a supportive and creative learning environment for its members while preserving and promoting the art and craft of rug hooking in the broader community.

Although the not-for-profit status of the guild is not part of the mission statement, is was agreed by members that we are a not-for-profit organization.

August 2016

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.  This group’s name will be changed to Edmonton Rug Hooking Guild

November 2014

Vice President has gone through all previous years’ minutes and noted guild decisions/policies to date.  This document will be updated continually and posted on the members’ section of our website for access by all guild members.



June 2019


Key’s for the 2019-2020 year have been distributed to Mary Kenny, president and Yvonne Klatt, vice president.

June 2018

Keys for the 2018-19 year have been distributed to:
Nancy Byway, president and Yvonne Klatt, vice president

April 2017

Keys for the Pleasantview Hall are distributed as follows:
President:  Outside Keys #30 & #36, Inside Keys:  two copies
Vice President:  Outside Key #35, Inside Key:  one copy

September 2016

All guild property has been relocated from upstairs storage room to two drawers under stage and one room.  Keys for these two areas have been provided to the president, vice president and store person.  Outside keys have been given to the president and the store coordinator.



March 2017


Executive Meeting:  Annual rent is $1,750 which includes table and chair set up and take down; annual insurance is $750.



February 2020


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  A Committee will be struck to investigate and create a structure for the selling of members’ hookings for the 2020 tea. 

March 2019

Guild Meeting: Motion passed. That the proceeds from the Silent Auction be given to the Learning and

Development  committee.

February 2017

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed to hold a silent auction, with proceeds to be used for book acquisition for library.

November 2016

Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.

  1. Tea will continue to be 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with lunch.
  2. Admission will be $5/ $3 for members.
  3. A demonstration table will be set up for guests to watch and try.This will be added to the sign-up sheets.
  4. Items will be displayed that were on display at the Riverbend Library this past year as well as a ‘challenge’ item for guild members.

June 2016

Motion Passed:  One person needs to oversee running of the kitchen area during the tea.

November 2014

The previous committee has put together a comprehensive step-by-step binder on how to organize the tea.

June 2005

At May Tea honorary memberships were presented to the following people in recognition of their long service to the guild:  Sylvia Enfeld, Ethel Goodwin, Ethel Kramer, Aileen McHugh, Imogene Monks, Jean Nemirsky, Lucille Odson, Francis Ritchie, Ruth Small, Fran Steick.  These members will be exempt from paying membership fees.



August 2019


Executive Meeting Decision:  Our insurance coverage remains at $26,000.00 and that store inventory not exceed $20,000.00.

March 2018

Guild meeting: Motion passed.  The guild will purchase Janet McLean’s Beeline Townsend cutter for 500.00 the cutter and cartridges will be kept in the library and signed out for use at guild meetings only.

August 2017

Executive Meeting:  Confirmation that prior to making an order the store will check with treasurer to make sure there are sufficient funds to cover the cost.

August 2017

Executive Meeting:  Confirmation that items available in local stores will not be stocked. Where possible locally made items will be stocked (i.e. dyed swatches, hooks etc.)

August 2017

Executive Meeting: Motion passed.  Special orders be processed once a year in January.

June 2017

Guild Meeting:  Store and Library hours during guild meetings to be opening at 10:00 and closing at 12:00.

March 2017

Executive Meeting:  Motion passed.

  1. If a member is supplying the guild store with a product, they will be asked not to sell that product directly to guild members.The sales should go through the store.
  2. All vendors will be required to pay the guild a 10% commission on sales.

August 2016

Executive Meeting: Motion passed. Selling price for store is total cost plus 10%.

April 2014

Stated by president that when ordering bolts, payment is required up front.

January 2011

Motion passed to bring in Lost Leaf Designs made by Melissa in Rocky Mountain House for selling in the store.

January 2005

The membership card allows members to purchase supplies at the store.



September 2021


Guild Meeting:  Motion passed.  The guild will support the development of a new website, with payment using GIC.

August 2018

Executive Meeting: Motion passed.  The Website is password confidential and will be distributed through the Newsletter only. 

September 2017

Guild Meeting:  Documents on the members’ only page of our website include:  library listings, ProChem dye list, guild store inventory, policy manual, position descriptions, and newsletters.  The password will be changed and October and communicated to members via the newsletter.  Membership lists will not be included on the web site, but will be emailed to members because of security concerns.